Monday, March 1, 2010

Book Review: FEDDIE GIRL by Nona David

Review written by Tayo Sogbanmu; UK  

With an amazing ability to capture the very vibrant detail in the culture of the Nigerian people, Nona David takes you on a journey with Feddie Girl.

Carlotta, a mixed-race American teen sent to Nigeria at the demand of her also mixed-race father with Nigerian heritage, is opened up to a whole new civilization, which she deems a far cry from what she calls home. Given her situation and what she sees as a severe predicament, she gives up on any hope of being able to survive, but just in time discovers newly found friendships, an instinct of adaptation and a strength filled with maturity she never believed she had.

As the story unfolds it matures in a way one may not have expected, as both Richard and Shelly (Carlotta’s parents) must also take a journey of their own, that if not traveled with caution, could cost them both the very family they are trying so hard to keep together.

Nona gives great and accurate insight into the life of boarding school in Nigeria, the character and humour of the Nigerian people, and a detailed scope into the diversity that resides in the country.
From the description of the vibrant streets of Lagos; and the constant chatter of Carlotta’s class mates that will have you laughing away; to the mention of some of Nigeria’s well known delicacies; Feddie Girl will allow you to explore and visualize the very ground of Nigeria, doing so in a way that is true and definitely not sugar coated.

An extract from “Feddie Girl”:

Lagos, Nigeria.
Everything and everyone make up the beauty of Lagos!
It’s no wonder everyone wants to come to Lagos.
A true mix of different people of different Nationals:
Different traits, tribes, races and languages;
The Igbo’s, Yoruba’s and Hausa’s.
This is the mystery of Lagos;
A city we call home.
Eko for sure!
Eko for life!
Eko o ni baje!

How to purchase this novel:

1. From publisher (Bernard Books Publishing):
{Currently offering a Buy One Get One FREE Promo -- Ends Feb 28th 2010. }

2. From Amazon:

3. Buy in NIGERIA:
See details and contact info for our Sales Agents in Nigeria:

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